Blossoms Peanut Butter is made from ground, dry-roasted peanuts handpicked in China. The additional ingredients like crunches, salt, sweeteners and emulsifiers lead to a heavenly taste which may leave you drooling all over the place. Our Peanut Butter contains high levels of protein, vitamins and dietary minerals. Spread it on crackers, breads and toasts for a mouth-watering experience. Create exquisite breakfast dishes and desserts and experience a crunchy ride with the Crunchy flavour of Blossoms Peanut Butter.
Consumption may lead to:
*Weight loss as it is extremely rich in good fats and fibres.
*Fasten bodybuilding due to hight protein contents.
*Reduce the risk of breast diseases like breast cancer.
*Boosting of heart health as it is enriched with nutrients like monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium etc.

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